TUF Featured at CloudNativeCon
2017-12-07 · Posted by: Justin Cappos · Categories: TUF · CommentsA few months ago, TUF was adopted by the Linux Foundation’s Cloud Native Computing Foundation. The CNCF provides a more formal foundation structure to the project and has encouraged us to participate in positive efforts such as working toward CII badging. There is also the potential for substantially more adoption as the CNCF pushes for more use of TUF by different teams. We are looking forward to working toward this.
We had a meeting today with attendees interested in TUF and Notary to help new contributors get started with the project. Most of the discussion was around a few of the TAPs, in particular Multiple repository support (TAP 4), support for setting URLs for roles in the root metadata file (TAP 5), and key rotation / self-revocation of keys. We also had a broader discussion around the use of the custom metadata field for TUF targets, which David Lawrence mentioned a neat use case for. I am really happy about all of the positive effort and attention that the project is getting!
However, there are some other things we did not expect. There was TUF merchandise for sale at the conference, including hoodies and T-shirts. There also was an ice sculpture of the TUF logo on display at an event last night. A very interesting way to promote the project!
Thanks, Justin